Analyst Coverage

Analyst Coverage
Independent Research
Toromont is widely covered by brokerage-firm analysts. Analyst reports are proprietary to the securities firms that issue them, and accordingly Toromont will not distribute these reports to investors. The opinions, estimates or forecasts made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent the opinions, forecasts or predictions of Toromont or our management team. Following is contact information for all sell-side research analysts that actively cover us.
Raymond James
Bryan Fast
(604) 659-8262
TD Securities, Inc.
Cherilyn Radbourne
(416) 308-3403
BMO Capital Markets
Devin Dodge
(416) 359-6774
Jacob Bout
(416) 956-6766
Michael Doumet
(514) 350-7778
Canaccord Genuity
Yuri Lynk
(514) 844-3708
RBC Dominion Securities, Inc.
Sabahat Khan
(416) 842-7880
National Bank
Maxim Sytchev
(416) 869-6517
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