

Our ESG Framework

Governance, strategy and risk management

Board of Directors
oversight through
ESG Committee

Executive Leadership
and Business
Unit Leadership

Committee – working
group and subject
matter experts

Risk assessment and strategy setting

  • Informed by strategic and
    operational assessments and
    stakeholder engagement
  • Integrated with
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Annual Planning

Governance, strategy and risk management

Board of Directors oversight through ESG Committee

Executive Leadership and Business Unit Leadership accountability

Sustainability Committee – working group and subject matter experts

Risk assessment and strategy setting

  • Informed by strategic and
    operational assessments and
    stakeholder engagement
  • Integrated with
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Annual Planning

See our 2023 sustainability focus areas highlights

Our Board of Directors uses a governance framework that creates value for all stakeholders, enhances long-term corporate sustainability and enterprise value and reduces business risk.

Our Environmental, Social and Governance approach starts with our Board but accountability for sustainable business practices is shared company wide. The Board operates with three committees: Audit; Human Resources & Health and Safety; and, Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”). Each committee contributes to Toromont’s sustainability but responsibility for comprehensive ESG oversight rests with the ESG committee. For the purpose of this document, the framework below refers to the ESG committee.

Board of Directors

Oversees overall risk, strategy, corporate governance, succession planning and Board and Director effectiveness.

Environmental, Social and Governance Committee of the Board

Provides dedicated focus on ESG matters, oversees governance and sustainability frameworks, strategies and outcomes, manages Board and committee composition, recruits directors, monitors changes in regulations, and best practices, and is solely comprised of independent directors.

Executive Team

Establishes corporate strategy and objectives, provides leadership to embed corporate Values, fosters relationships with stakeholders and scrutinizes results. Sets Toromont’s ESG strategies and goals, supports initiatives and monitors progress. Leads risk and opportunities assessment and stakeholder engagement.

Business Unit Leadership

Sets objectives aligned to ESG strategic priorities, allocates resources to achieve performance objectives, delivers human capital strategies, environmental management, and community programs, grows customer, business partner and community relationships. Participates in risk and opportunities assessment and stakeholder engagement.

Sustainability Committee and Working Groups

Comprised of accountable executives and business unit leaders, as well as those with operational responsibilities and subject matter expertise to help assess, develop, implement and monitor ESG strategies, risks and opportunities assessments, goals and initiatives.

Operating within our corporate Values and Code of Conduct

2023 Board Governance Snapshot

Size of Board9
Separate Chair and CEO RolesYes
Percentage of Independent Directors89%
Code of Conduct for Directors, Officers, EmployeesYes
Director Stock Ownership GuidelinesYes
Policy on Share Trading and HedgingYes
Comprehensive Board Assessment ProcessYes
Average Age of Directors63 Years
Average Board Tenure6.6 Years
Board and Management Succession PlanYes
Director Education ProgramYes
Board Diversity & Leadership PolicyYes
Number of Women on the Board3
Say on Pay Advisory VoteYes
Majority Voting PolicyYes

2023 ESG actions and key accomplishments

Governance, Strategies, and Risks

  • Prepared for ISSB S1 and S2
  • Engaged with stakeholders to validate our key ESG risks and opportunities
  • Set strategies for ESG focus areas as part of Connect 26 – our next 3-year strategic plan
  • Maintained high-performance, decentralized culture in alignment with our corporate values
  • Continued to link executive incentive compensation to goals including sustainability matters

Managing our Operational Footprint

  • Continued focus reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions
  • Undertook opportunities’ assessments to manage our carbon footprint
  • Engaged outside consultant to help assess controls for enterprise wide GHG emissions measurement

Sustainable Products and Services

  • Broadened product/ service offerings to address the transition to new forms of clean energy
  • Increased number of connected assets
  • Invested in new Remanufacturing Centre
  • Grew remanufacturing and equipment rebuild business


  • Improved safety performance
  • Increased training and development
  • Provided mental health support training for leaders
  • Monitored employee engagement
  • Grew workforce and apprenticeship positions
  • Issued first Modern Slavery Report and evaluated suppliers
  • Named United Way Local Leader

What’s next

  • Continue to execute on ESG strategies and focus areas
  • Prepare for ISSB standards
  • Confirm assurance-level GHG measurements for future reporting, baseline and targets
  • Expand products, technologies & services, including opening new Remanufacturing Centre
  • Continue strategies to deliver continuously improving health and safety, training and development, recruitment and employee engagement
  • Offer ongoing support to our communities

Governance, Strategies, and Risks

  • Prepared for ISSB S1 and S2
  • Engaged with stakeholders to validate our key ESG risks and opportunities
  • Set strategies for ESG focus areas as part of Connect 26 – our next 3-year strategic plan
  • Maintained high-performance, decentralized culture in alignment with our corporate values
  • Continued to link executive incentive compensation to goals including sustainability matters

Managing our Operational Footprint

  • Continued focus reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions
  • Undertook opportunities’ assessments to manage our carbon footprint
  • Engaged outside consultant to help assess controls for enterprise wide GHG emissions measurement

Sustainable Products and Services

  • Broadened product/ service offerings to address the transition to new forms of clean energy
  • Increased number of connected assets
  • Invested in new Remanufacturing Centre
  • Grew remanufacturing and equipment rebuild business


  • Improved safety performance
  • Increased training and development
  • Provided mental health support training for leaders
  • Monitored employee engagement
  • Grew workforce and apprenticeship positions
  • Issued first Modern Slavery Report and evaluated suppliers
  • Named United Way Local Leader

What’s next

  • Continue to execute on ESG strategies and focus areas
  • Prepare for ISSB standards
  • Confirm assurance-level GHG measurements for future reporting, baseline and targets
  • Expand products, technologies & services, including opening new Remanufacturing Centre
  • Continue strategies to deliver continuously improving health and safety, training and development, recruitment and employee engagement
  • Offer ongoing support to our communities

2023 Sustainability Report Message

To all stakeholders

In 2023, the market for sustainable products and services grew as more customers took action to investigate, test and invest in energy-efficient equipment, some driven by alternative fuels. Toromont was there to help.